27 July 2016
Regardless of your specific reason for scheduling a massage, relaxation is likely one of your desired outcomes. While your massage therapist's techniques, the use of essential oils and the dulcet tones playing in the background of the treatment room can contribute to your inner relaxation, you'll feel anything but relaxed if you feel embarrassed during your massage. There are many potential causes of embarrassment and, while your therapist has likely encountered all these scenarios and won't bat an eye, you may feel uncomfortable.
12 July 2016
Substance abuse doesn't just affect the abuser. It affects the entire family. In fact, substance abuse affects everyone that is in the abuser's circle, including friends and co-workers. If you have someone in your life who's abusing drugs or alcohol, you want to help them. If you've tried everything to help your loved one, don't give up. Here are three things you need to know about substance abuse and how it affects your loved one.
29 June 2016
Prescription drugs can be just as addictive as street drugs, like meth or heroin. They are also much easier to access, with the latest studies showing that over 52 million Americans over the age of 12 having used prescription drugs non-medically sometime in their life. Many teenagers and young adults are getting prescription drugs for free from their family members and friends. If you have recently discovered that your child is addicted to prescription drugs, it's best to send them to a professional drug rehab center.
15 June 2016
Carpal tunnel syndrome can get in the way of your enjoyment of everyday life and prevent you from partaking in activities you used to love. Luckily, there are some exercises you can do to gain relief from the pain and stiffness. Perform these exercises daily, and you should notice that your symptoms become less severe over time. Fanning the Fingers This exercise helps stretch out all of the muscles in the back of your hand and wrist, which reduces pressure on your nerves.
1 June 2016
Early detection of breast cancer is crucial to fighting the disease. Because of this, some medical care providers are turning to 3-D mammograms. As with any diagnostic tool, there is some debate as to whether or not it is the best method of detecting breast cancer. If you are considering a 3-D mammogram, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks. Why Should You Have a 3-D Mammogram? One of the main benefits of a 3-D mammogram is that it is thought to be more effective in obtaining clear images of dense breast tissue.