21 January 2016
Do you have bulging, blue, unsightly veins in your legs? Known as varicose veins, these veins are not just ugly -- they can often cause itching, pain and aches in the legs. Many people who ignore their varicose veins for years finally seek treatment when they start experiencing these symptoms. If you're one of those people who have recently decided to seek treatment, it helps to know what to expect.
5 January 2016
If you suffer from chronic hand pain that won't go away no matter what you do, speak to an orthopedic surgeon right away. Pain in one or both hands can indicate a number of things, including rheumatoid arthritis. If you put off seeing a bone and joint specialist for an exam or treatment, your chronic hand pain can become worse. Here's how rheumatoid arthritis affects you and tips to use at home for temporary pain relief.
4 January 2016
During pregnancy, you can experience a number of symptoms, including chest pain. Although the chest pain is uncomfortable, in most instances, it is not an indication of a more serious issue. However, there are exceptions. If you are pregnant and dealing with chest pain, here is what you need to know. What Causes Chest Pain? Chest pain during pregnancy can be caused by several different factors. For instance, the pain could be the result of your baby growing.
18 December 2015
Babies tend to develop colds often, and many parents believe this occurs from teething. Most experts do not believe that teething causes cold-like symptoms. Instead, the symptoms your baby has might be from an illness. Wheezing is one symptom sometimes present with a cold, but this is not a symptom you should attribute to teething. Wheezing can indicate a serious problem that may require immediate care. What Is Wheezing? Wheezing is a term that refers to the high-pitched sound you can hear when a person breathes.
4 December 2015
If you have recently been experiencing a lot of stomach pain, your doctor might recommend getting an abdominal ultrasound. An abdominal ultrasound is a great tool at detecting issues within the abdominal area, and it could be the easiest way to determine what is causing your stomach pain. Here are two things you should know about this. What is an abdominal ultrasound? When women are pregnant, they go to the doctor for ultrasounds periodically.