• Get Your Chronic Pain Under Control With A Pain Pump

    6 November 2014

    If you have chronic back pain, you understand the daily struggle. It's difficult just to do basic tasks such as clean, cook, and take care of children. Some pain medications work well for some chronic pain patients but don't work well for others. Sometimes people are on pain medications for so long, they stop working, and higher doses would be dangerous. Now, chronic pain patients who are having trouble find medications that work sufficiently may be able to get a pain pump.

  • Five Supplements Every Runner Should Consider

    5 November 2014

    Runners tend to be a health-conscious group. Odds are, when you're serious about your training, you pay close attention to what you eat. Even a healthy diet, however, can leave you deficient in important vitamins and minerals. To help ward off injury and take your training to the next level, consider adding in a few supplements. Iron Low iron can be a problem for anyone, and you're probably familiar with the most common symptom of iron-deficiency anemia—fatigue.

  • Tired Of Dealing With A Flabby Stomach? Consider Getting A Tummy Tuck

    31 October 2014

    Are you someone who exercises, eats the right foods and tries to be as healthy as you can? Does it seem like no matter what you do you just can't seem to get rid of that extra pouch in your lower abdomen? If so, you aren't alone. Many people struggle to get the tight, toned core they desire. Regardless of how many crunches they do, it seems like it just won't go away.

  • A Lupus Patient's Guide To Understanding Macular Degeneration

    29 October 2014

    After years of battling lupus, a diagnosis of macular degeneration can be particularly devastating. So what exactly is macular degeneration? Is it related to lupus? What is macular degeneration? Macular degeneration is a common, yet serious eye disorder. In your eye, there are the visible parts—the iris, the pupil, and the lens. Behind the scenes, you have your retina. The center of your retina is called the macula. The macula helps you discern details—without it, your vision would be obscured and blurry.

  • The Benefits Of Senior Community Living

    23 October 2014

    When you're ready to look for different living accommodations, consider senior apartments. You'll have your own personal space to do with as you wish, as well as the ability to tap into a number of benefits you won't find when living in a traditional apartment building. Age is no barrier to enjoying the rest of your life with these benefits available to you. Healthier Meal Options In a traditional apartment, you might be too tired at the end of the day to fix yourself a healthy meal.