• Cataract Prevention: What You Need To Know

    20 October 2014

    Taking care of your eyes may not always be your top priority. In fact, you probably take your eyes and vision for granted more often than not. However, because proper vision is so important to your daily life, now is the time to start getting proactive about your eye health. Cataracts are a common affliction among people as they age and the only cure is cataract surgery. Any optometrist will tell you that the onset of cataracts can be prevented (or at least delayed) as long as the patient knows exactly what to do to protect their eyes.

  • Ordering Your Medication For Delivery

    17 October 2014

    For decades, the only way most people could obtain prescription medication was to have their doctor call in the order to a local pharmacy and then they would pick it up once it was filled. Now pharmacies also fill prescriptions based on an actual written version, but they still call the doctor's office to verify. In recent years, automated telephone systems have allowed customers to call in their prescription refills and pick them up rather quickly.

  • 3 Things to Keep in Mind When Shopping for New Prescription Glasses

    16 October 2014

    For those who need prescription glasses, shopping for new frames can be a bit overwhelming, but it can also be fun. The overwhelming part can result from the sheer number of choices in frames that are available for you to pick from. The fun part, of course, is getting something new. However, since buying new eyeglasses is a major purchase, you need to approach it very carefully. Here are three things for you to keep in mind when shopping for new prescription glasses.

  • Dealing With Heartburn: 3 Ways to Alleviate Your Pain

    15 October 2014

    When you are trying to sleep, you may experience heartburn. This can cause you discomfort, and it may even prevent you from going to sleep quickly. You can alleviate this problem, however, by taking these steps. Avoid Foods and Drinks at Night That Trigger Heartburn One of the best steps you can take for dealing with heartburn at night is to simply avoid foods and drinks at night that are going to trigger heartburn.