17 August 2015
One of the best parts about laser eye surgery is the fact that the recovery time is relatively short. However, during the time when your eyes are healing, they are more vulnerable to being damaged by abrasive particles and forceful impact. Here are some tips that you can follow in order to make sure that your eyes are not damaged, slowing your recovery time. 1. Avoid Taking Showers When you need to clean yourself, you want to be sure that you take baths rather than showers.
4 August 2015
When you cannot hear like the rest of the world, it leaves you isolated socially from the people you interact with on a daily basis. Even in a crowded room, you could feel utterly alone when you cannot hear what everyone is talking about. With the average cost of a hearing aid being anywhere between $2,200 and $7,000, even if you are willing to get hearing aids, being able to pay for them on a fixed income as a senior citizen can be difficult.
30 July 2015
Everyone reacts to losing a limb differently. It isn't a simple process, and it's normal to experience feelings of shock, anger, and depression. However, with a good support system, planning, and determination, you can adjust to your new artificial limb and continue to live a happy, fulfilled life. Prepare Yourself Emotionally If possible begin preparing yourself emotionally before your amputation surgery. Even though you don't know exactly how you will react once your surgery is complete, trying to cope with your emotions before the surgery can make your post-surgery experience easier.
22 July 2015
If you were tossed around in an auto accident and you can't find any relief for your pain besides using prescription medications, there are some great alternative options to consider. You can ditch the pain medication, heating pads and other items used for relief if you are able to treat the cause of the back pain. Before trying a new therapy or techniques to get rid of the back pain, you want to first see a chiropractor to make sure you aren't doing more damage than good to your back.
14 July 2015
Only 27 percent of the people surveyed know the typical heart attack symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you're having chest pain, you may not have time to look up the symptoms before it's too late. Here is what you need to know about heart attacks, chest pain and how to tell when it's time to dial 911. Anatomy of a Heart Attack A heart attack, or cardiac arrest, is your heart telling you that it's not getting enough blood to the heart muscle.